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一 哥伦比亚驻广州领事馆领事到访石磨坊 一


2018-10-29 14:26:24  来源:本站


        任何表现形式的中华艺术都是集创造精神和精妙技艺于一身的奇迹。 作为哥伦比亚人,我们的观念里一直认为中国是一个庞大的国家,而这个国家里处处都是历朝各代留下的种种传奇故事。同时,中国又是一个强盛的、充满艺术灵感的国度,拥有众多美妙的艺术遗产,而这些过往辉煌又进而影响并启发了不少当代的艺术家,例如世界级艺术大师许鸿飞先生。


      总所周知,哥伦比亚以拥有费尔南多·博特罗(Fernando Botero)的天才横溢而骄傲,他的创世巨作就是哥伦比亚的才华和创作力在世界上永恒的代言人。正因如此,许先生重塑现实并自成一派的聪明才智也同样负有沉重的使命。很令人欣喜的是,他做到了,他的作品成功地吸引了所有人,而且仍持续地为大家带来愉悦。



n Colombia, people have always had a strong interest in, and admiration for, Chinese culture. During 38 years of diplomatic relations, both countries have made deep efforts to strengthen their cultural ties. Although, geographically, our countries are far apart, the ancient land of China has always been a place of constant curiosity for our people. 
Chinese art, in all its manifestations, is a marvel of creativity and subtlety. In our minds, as Colombians, China is a massive country that evokes legends of powerful dynasties as well as a strong and inspiring nation that has left wonderful legacies. These legacies are reflected today in contemporary art works like those of the world-class artist Xu Hongfei.

Colombia was extremely honored to be chosen as a part of the “Xu Hongfei’ Sculpture World Tour” in November of 2017. The Chubby Ladies were displayed as a solo exhibition for the very first time in Colombia’s most prominent public space, the Bolívar Square in Bogotá. They were extraordinarily well received by both the local people and foreign visitors, a demonstration of the commitment of the highest level to boost our cultural ties. Xu Hongfei’s exhibition was one of the most outstanding Chinese cultural projects that our capital city has ever received.
Through his exhibition of 13 large-scale sculptures, the Colombian people had the unique opportunity to appreciate Xu’s works close-up and gain a better understanding of not only Chinese but also Cantonese culture. While his subjects are based on scenes taken from daily life, his artistic language was considered by the spectators as universal and timeless, creating emotions and feelings for everyone who interacted with the art regardless of their culture. Undoubtedly, for me, this is the reason of his world-wide success.

It is a well-known fact that Colombia is proud of the genius of Fernando Botero. His masterpieces are a permanent envoy of the talent and creativity of our country. Xu’s clever ability to reshape reality and make it his own was a big responsibility and to our delight, he succeeded and his works continue to captivate and amuse us.
The sculptures of this illustrious Cantonese artist, in all their grandeur, enable us to get to know his outstanding work, which has a unique style and has redefined volume in Chinese art. The broad appeal of his work is a reflection of its significance and ability to transcend cultural boundaries.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to master Xu Hongfei for promoting pragmatic cultural cooperation through his works, for developing our friendship and building a solid bridge of cultural understanding between Colombia and China, especially with the Province of Guangdong.